Notice & Comment

ACUS Update: ACUS Kicks Off Roundtable on State Administrative Practices

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) invites readers to join us tomorrow, Thursday, May 18 (1:00-2:30 p.m. ET) to kick off the inaugural meeting of the ACUS Roundtable on State Administrative Procedural Practices.

To attend, please click here to register for the virtual event.

As Associate Justice Louis Brandeis famously noted, the states often serve as laboratories of democracy—adopting novel and innovative approaches to addressing the social and economic challenges of the day. Indeed, assessing the administrative procedural practices of state and local governments may yield valuable lessons that could be applied to federal agencies.

As part of its statutory mission to promote improvements in the efficiency, adequacy, and fairness of federal administrative and adjudicative procedures, ACUS established the Roundtable on State Administrative Procedural Practices to solicit information about state and local government practices that federal agencies may wish to consider and, if feasible, adopt.

The Roundtable is co-chaired by Kate Todd (Ellis George Cipollone, LLP) and Prof. Maria Ponomarenko (UT-Austin School of Law).

At the May 18 kickoff event, Prof. Ponomarenko will discuss innovations in state and local transparency practices and lessons for federal agencies with Neil Kleiman (Northeastern School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs) and Reeve Bull (Deputy Director of the Virginia Office of Regulatory Management and former ACUS Research Director).

The Hon. Jeffrey Sutton, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, will provide remarks following introductory remarks by ACUS Chair Andrew Fois and Ms. Todd.

Stay tuned to this space for announcements of future Roundtable events in this series.

Click here to attend the May 18 kickoff event.