Notice & Comment

An RFP from the MLR

The Michigan Law Review is soliciting proposals for its annual book review for pieces “related to the recent (and ongoing) sea changes in administrative law.” From the request for proposal, which you can find here:

This is a unique and expedited request—the call for Book Review submissions has closed for the year. However, the Editors feel that the issue would be incomplete without writing on such an important topic. We are briefly reopening the submissions window until August 16.

All book reviews published in MLR engage with a text. “Text” can be interpreted broadly. Be it a recently published book of legal scholarship, a novel, or an older, canonical text, the Book Review Office encourages authors to think creatively about the form and function of legal scholarship. Priority will be given to proposals that offer unique and timely perspectives.

The Michigan Law Review’s book review is always excellent, and the editors have emphasized that they’re open to all sorts of ideas, however unusual or creative. It’s a great opportunity.
