Notice & Comment

Administrative Law SSRN Reading List, August 2024 Edition

Here is the August 2024 Edition of the most-downloaded recent papers (those announced in the last 60 days) from SSRN’s U.S. Administrative Law eJournal, which is edited by Bill Funk.

  1. The Consequences of Loper Bright by Cass R. Sunstein
  2. Brave New World? Human Welfare and Paternalistic AI by Cass R. Sunstein (Theoretical Inquiries in Law Forthcoming)
  3. “Congress in a Post-Chevron World”: Hearing Before the House of Representatives Committee on House Administration, 118th Cong. (July 23, 2024) by Josh Chafetz
  4. Antitrust Law’s Place in Regulation by Herbert Hovenkamp
  5. Tax Regulations After Loper Bright by Andy Grewal (Michigan State Law Review forthcoming)
  6. The Crisis in Colonial Administration: American Indians & Japanese American Incarceration by Maggie Blackhawk (American Historical Review Forthcoming)
  7. Nondelegation, Original Meaning, and Early Federal Taxation: A Dialogue With My Critics by Nicholas R. Parillo (71 Drake Law Review 367 (2024))
  8. Unwritten Administrative Law and the Regulatory Last Mile in Cooperative Federalism by Anthony B. Derron (University of Pennsylvania Law Review forthcoming)
  9. The Common Political Foundations of Originalism and Cost-benefit Analysis by Jonathan S. Masur & Eric A. Posner (Administrative Law Review forthcoming)
  10. Working with Statutes by Cristina Rodriguez & Anya Bernstein (Texas Law Review forthcoming)

For more on why SSRN and this eJournal are such terrific resources for administrative law scholars and practitioners, check out my first post on the subject here. You can check out the full rankings, updated daily, here.

Thanks to my terrific research assistant Neena Menon for helping put together this monthly post. I’ll report back in the September with the next edition.