Notice & Comment

Author: Nicholas Bagley

Notice & Comment

As Idaho goes, so goes the nation.

I’ve got a new piece at Vox digging into Idaho’s decision to flout the Affordable Care Act. If you want to learn something about Idaho administrative law (I know, I know, pure clickbait) this is the place to look. I also examine the analogy between what Idaho’s doing and marijuana legalization. The upshot is that […]

Notice & Comment

Are Medicaid work requirements legal?

That’s the title of a new piece of mine that came out in JAMA this morning. It’s pretty timely: a lawsuit was filed last week challenging CMS’s approval of Kentucky’s waiver, which includes work requirements. More waivers, and more litigation, are sure to come. I’m no fan of work requirements. They’re harsh, stigmatizing, and ineffective. And they will hurt people, […]

Notice & Comment

Call for Papers for the Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable

I’m proud to announce that Michigan will be hosting the third annual Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable in June. The first two roundtables were outstanding, and I have high hopes for this year’s event. The Roundtable is an excellent opportunity for young admin law scholars to get low-pressure feedback on their work from senior scholars in the field. From […]

Notice & Comment

Vacating an EEOC rule on wellness programs

A few months back, I flagged an opinion from a D.C. district court holding that a new EEOC rule governing wellness programs was arbitrary and capricious. The rule allowed employers to impose huge penalties on employees who refused to participate in wellness programs, even though the Americans with Disabilities Act says those programs must be […]

Notice & Comment

Can insurers sue to recover cost-sharing money?

Murray-Alexander is going nowhere. Senator Collins insists that passing the bipartisan legislation, which would restore cost-sharing payments for two years, is a condition of her vote on the pending tax bill. But she appears willing to accept airy promises that Senate leadership will make the bill a priority. Never mind that House Republicans have no […]

Notice & Comment

Enjoining the contraception rules

On Friday afternoon, a district court in Pennsylvania enjoined the Trump administration’s new rules on contraception coverage from taking effect. The court’s ruling was not unexpected: I’d argued earlier that the rules were vulnerable on both procedural and substantive grounds, and the court’s analysis largely tracks my own. Procedurally, the Trump administration had no good […]

Notice & Comment

“The tradeoff here is both simple and brutal.”

“Republicans want to pay for a permanent corporate tax by taking insurance from millions of people. Is that who we are as a nation?” That’s the end of my latest op-ed in the Washington Post. Here’s the beginning. To finesse the tricky politics and brutal math of tax reform, Senate Republicans now say that they want to […]

Notice & Comment

Trump and the Essential Health Benefits

On Friday, HHS released a proposed rule that would make a number of adjustments to the rules governing insurance exchanges for 2019. The rule is long and detailed; there’s a lot to digest. Among the most noteworthy changes, however, are those relating to the essential health benefits. They’re significant, and I’m not convinced they’re legal. […]

Notice & Comment

The Lawsuit to Restore the Cost-Sharing Payments

Yesterday, a group of 19 states asked a California district court to stop the Trump administration from cutting off the cost-sharing payments. To prevail, the states will have to convince the court that they face irreparable injury if the payments are terminated and that they’ve got a substantial likelihood of eventually winning their lawsuit. To […]

Notice & Comment

Waiver changes

In broad strokes, the bipartisan deal from Senators Alexander and Murray would restore cost-sharing payments through 2019 in exchange for some amendments to the rules governing ACA waivers. Now that we have the bill text, we can start to wrap our hands around the practical effects of those waiver changes. Most importantly, the bill would […]

Notice & Comment

Trump has declared open war on the ACA

That’s the headline for an op-ed of mine that ran this weekend in the Los Angeles Times. Back in 2013, the Obama administration asked Congress to appropriate the money for the cost-sharing payments. The Republican-controlled Congress refused. Concerned for the fate of its healthcare bill, the Obama administration then adopted a dubious legal theory that allowed […]

Notice & Comment

Ending the cost-sharing payments.

Politico just broke the news that the Trump administration will terminate the Affordable Care Act’s cost-sharing payments, further destabilizing the already-fragile exchanges on the eve of open enrollment. Although state regulators and insurers have taken steps to protect themselves (see this great explainer from David Anderson, Charles Gaba, Louise Norris, and Andrew Sprung), the abrupt […]

Notice & Comment

The Trump Administration and Contraception Coverage

This morning, HHS released two rules that will allow many more employers to exclude contraception from the insurance plans they offer to their employees. The first expands an existing religious exemption; the second allows employers to exempt themselves by invoking a freestanding “moral objection.” As I explained when a draft of the rules first leaked, […]