Notice & Comment

Author: Andy Grewal

Notice & Comment

King v. Burwell: A Survey of the Amicus Briefs

Judging from the Supreme Court’s docket, many attorneys spent their Christmas vacations putting together various amicus briefs supporting the taxpayers in King v. Burwell. Over the next few weeks, I’d like to survey those briefs and offer my reactions to some of them. I expect to offer specific thoughts on the briefs themselves and provide […]

Notice & Comment

The IRS’s Judicial Power

I’ve previously written about how Section 7805(b)(8) of the tax code may provide relief from King v. Burwell for persons who purchase policies on federal health care exchanges. Although I still believe that Section 7805(b)(8) provides an effective tool for the administration and enrollees, I’ve come to form some questions about its wisdom and possibly […]

Notice & Comment

King v. Burwell: Where Did the “Legislative Grace” Canon Go?

In denying taxpayers’ claims for various deductions and credits offered by the tax code, courts are fond of saying that these are matters of “legislative grace.” Congress, we are told, allows a taxpayer to reduce his tax liability through sheer beneficence, and a taxpayer cannot infer a credit or deduction. Rather, his entitlement to them […]

Notice & Comment

It’s Deductible?! That’s Outrageous!

It seems like every time a corporation announces a settlement with the government, someone expresses outrage upon learning that a corporation’s payment may be deductible.  How dare the government subsidize bad behavior by allowing a corporation to reduce its taxes?  Take a look at this Newsweek story, for example. The deductibility of settlement payments actually […]

Notice & Comment

A Tale of Two Tax Codes

Christopher Walker’s outstanding article on agency interpretive practice got me thinking about how the tax community interprets the tax code differently from courts.  I was specifically reminded about the gasps of horror and disgust that I received at a discussion forum during a recent ABA Tax Section Meeting. I had initiated a discussion about the […]

Notice & Comment

Should Agency Officials Tell the Truth?

The Treasury and IRS have recently suffered some major losses regarding their attempts to regulate tax practitioners.  Earlier this year, in Loving v. IRS, the D.C. Circuit invalidated the entire regulatory regime regarding paid tax return preparers.  And over the summer, in Ridgley v. Lew, the D.C. District Court invalidated some regulatory restrictions on the […]

Notice & Comment

Corporate Inversions and in Terrorem Rulemaking

This week, the Treasury and IRS released a notice addressing so-called corporate inversions, through which U.S. companies essentially shuffle their legal structures to reduce the amount of income subject to U.S. taxes.  It’s not surprising that this guidance came out, given that President Obama himself has lambasted the alleged “corporate deserters” who have taken advantage […]