Notice & Comment

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Notice & Comment

The Regulatory Accountability Act, Or: How Progressives Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cost-Benefit Analysis, by Jonathan Masur

In a recent paper, Eric Posner and I argue that cost-benefit analysis (CBA) should become a judicially-enforced legal requirement for regulatory agencies. That is, agencies that promulgate major rules should be required to perform CBA and regulate only if the benefits of the regulation would exceed the costs. Judges should enforce this requirement by scrutinizing […]

Notice & Comment

FOIA’s Affirmative Publication Obligations and Plaintiff-Focused Injunctive Relief, by Bernard W. Bell

Samuel L. Bray’s forthcoming Harvard Law Review article, Multiple Chancellors: Reforming the National Injunction, argues that federal courts should eschew issuing nation-wide injunctions, no matter the importance of the question litigated or the value of nation-wide uniformity.  He urges adherence to the principle that injunctions against the federal government should be “plaintiff-protective,” providing relief only to […]

Notice & Comment

Was James Comey a Special Prosecutor?, by Thomas A. Barnico

Election losses bring calls for blame, and FBI Director James Comey has led the early returns. Critics continue to charge that the FBI committed errors in its investigation of Hillary Clinton and that those errors contributed to her defeat. The FBI, they argue, outran its legal writ, particularly in its summer release of its recommendation […]

Notice & Comment

De-Funding Sanctuary Cities, by Bernard W. Bell

Sanctuary cities protect undocumented aliens by adopting policies regarding: (1) inquiries into immigration status, (2) immigration-related detentions, or (3) information-sharing with federal officials. On January 25, President Trump issued Executive Order 13768, which threatens to withhold federal funds from jurisdictions that violate 8 U.S.C. §1373.[1] Section 1373, part of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility […]

Notice & Comment

Judge Gorsuch and Chevron Doctrine Part II: The Misuse of Precedent, by Asher Steinberg

This is part two of a three-part series on Judge Gorsuch. Does Judge Gorsuch care about precedent? The question might seem like asking if Judge Gorsuch cares about stray kittens – of course he cares about precedent. After reading his administrative-law opinions, though, one can wonder. Padilla-Caldera II In Padilla-Caldera v. Gonzales (“Padilla-Caldera I”), the Tenth […]

Notice & Comment

Judicial Review Encourages Better Economic Analysis at the SEC, by Jerry Ellig

One of the most controversial aspects of comprehensive regulatory reform is the potential role of courts in reviewing agencies’ Regulatory Impact Analysis or other similar economic analysis that informs regulatory decisions. The Securities and Exchange Commission provides a useful case study on the effects of such judicial review. The commission’s chief economist and general counsel […]

Notice & Comment

Gorsuch’s Tech Law Record Raises Concerns, by Mark Grabowski

Editor’s Note: Professor Grabowski has written a longer essay on this piece in the Yale Journal on Regulation Bulletin. You can access it here! Cell phone privacy, network neutrality and encryption are some of the many tech-related issues that Neil Gorsuch could rule on if he’s successfully appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Gorsuch “needs to get tech,” writes Wired‘s Issie […]

Notice & Comment

How Secretary Price Could Get His CBO Estimate of All Three Prongs of Republican Health Care Reform, by Sam Wice

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) would likely be able to alleviate Secretary Price’s concerns about the recent CBO of the American Health Care Act if Republicans produced their comprehensive proposal for reforming Obamacare. In Monday’s CBO estimate of the American Health Care Act, CBO estimated that 24 million Americans would have health insurance and premiums […]

Notice & Comment

Disrupting Immigration Sovereignty, by Jill E. Family

It is time to rethink legal and popular notions of immigration sovereignty. In the 19th Century, the Supreme Court depicted immigration as a threat to national sovereignty. It did so to support its conclusion that the political branches (Congress and the President) had extra-constitutional power over certain aspects of immigration law. In explaining why the […]