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Notice & Comment

8th Annual Homeland Security Law Institute, by Dominique Scalia

Registration is now open for the Section’s 8th Annual Homeland Security Law Institute, to be held June 20 and 21 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. Register online here.

This 2-day program features numerous panels and presentations on topics such as export control, transportation security, immigration enforcement, money laundering, and cyber security. The full brochure can be found online here. 13 CLE credits have been requested.

Pre-program workshops are also offered on Wednesday, June 19 at the law firm of Greenberg Traurif LLP, covering “Careers in Homeland Security” and “Homeland Security Law & Policy 101.” A faculty reception will follow.

Register now to get the lowest early bird rates, expiring May 21.

This post was originally published on the legacy ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Notice and Comment blog, which merged with the Yale Journal on Regulation Notice and Comment blog in 2015.