A Memorial Symposium for Judge Stephen F. Williams: Friday, September 17

After Judge Stephen F. Williams died last year, during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Yale Journal on Regulation published many tributes from his clerks and other admirers. They appeared here at N&C (see here, here, and here); later, the Journal published a symposium issue (Vol. 38, No. 3) with contributions from Judge David Tatel and many others. These were among the many, many things written in memory of the late judge, scholar, mentor, and friend.
Next week, a symposium conference will be held in his memory, in Washington, D.C, on Friday, September 17. At this conference, seven of Judge Williams’s friends and colleagues will present new papers on various aspects of his legacy. Those papers will be posted online as working drafts, and we hope to publish them together in a suitable law journal.
The C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State is grateful for the opportunity to host this gathering, and I hope you’ll join us — either in person, or via the livestreamed video. We’ll also post video and audio recordings fairly soon afterward.
You can find full information (including the RSVP link) on the Gray Center’s web site. Here’s the lineup of speakers:
Panel 1: Judge Williams on Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
- C. Boyden Gray: “Judge Williams and the Underestimated History of the Non-Delegation Doctrine“
- James Huffman: “Judge Williams’ Environmental Jurisprudence“
- Thomas Merrill: “Judge Williams on Administrative Law“
- moderator: Jennifer Mascott
Panel 2: Judge Williams on the American Constitution and Liberal Democracy
- Michael Greve: “So Close, and Yet So Far Away: Judge Williams on Federalism“
- Stephen Sachs: “Law Within Limits: Judge Williams and the Constitution“
- Nathaniel Zelinsky: “Stephen Williams on Liberalism: The Need to See a Share of Truth on the Opposite Side, and a Share of Error on One’s Own“
- moderator: Adam White
Keynote Reflections: Judge Douglas Ginsburg on “My Colleague, Judge Williams”
Note that the event’s web site specifies the Covid-19 precautions that will need to be taken by all attendees.
This page was updated with links to papers on September 16.