Administrative Law SSRN Reading List, August 2020 Edition

Lots of great new administrative law scholarship on SSRN this summer!
Here is the August 2020 Edition of the most-downloaded recent papers (those announced in the last 60 days) from SSRN’s U.S. Administrative Law eJournal, which is edited by Bill Funk.
- Rules, Commands and Principles in the Administrative State by Adrian Vermeule (Yale Law Journal Forum forthcoming)
- Freerolls by Annie Duke & Cass R. Sunstein
- The Unitary Executive: Past, Present, Future by Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule (Supreme Court Review forthcoming)
- The Case Against Chevron Deference in Immigration Adjudication by Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia & Christopher J. Walker (Duke Law Journal forthcoming)
- How the Administrative State Got to This Challenging Place by Peter L. Strauss (Daedalus, American Academy of Arts and Science forthcoming)
- Vested Rights, “Franchises,” and the Separation of Powers by Caleb Nelson (University of Pennsylvania Law Review forthcoming)
- The Lost History of Delegation at the Founding by Christine Kexel Chabot
- Clairvoyant Regulators, Benighted Judges? Judicial Review of Cost-Benefit Analysis Debated by Bruno Bodart
- All the President’s Papers by Jonathan H. Adler (Cato Supreme Court Review forthcoming)
- Beyond Algorithms: Regulatory Automation for a Simpler, Less Divided World by Felix Mormann (Boston College Law Review forthcoming)
For more on why SSRN and this eJournal are such terrific resources for administrative law scholars and practitioners, check out my first post on the subject here. You can check out the full rankings, updated daily, here.
Thanks to my terrific research assistant Morgan Huff for helping put together this monthly post. I’ll report back in October with the next edition.