Notice & Comment

Administrative Law SSRN Reading List, May 2024 Edition

Here is the May 2024 Edition of the most-downloaded recent papers (those announced in the last 60 days) from SSRN’s U.S. Administrative Law eJournal, which is edited by Bill Funk.

  1. Getting Infrastructure Built: The Law and Economics Permitting by Zachary D. Liscow
  2. Foreign Affairs, Nondelegation, and the Major Questions Doctrine by Curtis Bradley and Jack Landman Goldsmith (University of Pennsylvania Law Review forthcoming)
  3. Noisy Law: Scaling Without A Modulus by Cass R. Sunstein
  4. What the Major Questions Doctrine is Not by Anita S. Krishnakumar (92 George Washington Law Review)
  5. The Unenumerated Power by Caitlin B. Tully (111 Virginia Law Review forthcoming)
  6. Major Question Doctrine Jujitsu: Using The Doctrine To Rein In District Court Judges by Alisa Klein (Administrative Law Review forthcoming)
  7. Competing Narratives on OIRA Review of Tax Regulations by Kristin E. Hickman & Bridget C.E. Dooling (19 Journal of Law, Economics and Policy 272 (2024))
  8. Public Patent Powers by Laura Dolbow (Michigan Law Review forthcoming)
  9. Brief Submitted for Professor Seth Barrett Tillman as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioner [Donald J. Trump] by Seth Barrett Tillman
  10. Reasoning with Formalized Statutes: The Case of Capital Gains and Losses by Sarah B. Lawsky (43 Virginia Tax Review 361 (2024))

Thanks to my terrific research assistant Neena Menon for helping put together this monthly post, and congratulations on graduating last month. I’m so excited to follow your career for years to come. I’ll report back in the July with the next edition.

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