Notice & Comment

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: A Slow Week

The D.C. Circuit issued only one opinion this week, and it wasn’t about admin law. (It’s about the exceptions to the “three strikes” rule under the Prison Litigation Reform Act, which bars prisoners from proceeding in forma pauperis if they have filed three frivolous lawsuits). So there isn’t much to report!

The Court did hear argument last week in several interesting cases, though, including one about an FBI agent who lost his clearance and was suspended after testifying before Congress; a suit from a journalist alleging First Amendment violations from the denial of a “hard” press pass for the White House (i.e., one that allows “on-demand” access); and a challenge by several airports across the country to new TSA rules about screening airport workers.

There will be interesting decisions in the future. But for now, we wait…