Free ABA Administrative Law Section Webinar, 10/25: EEO Considerations for Covid-19 and the Federal Workforce

The ABA Administrative Law Section’s Government Personnel Committee
EEO Considerations for Covid-19 and the Federal Workforce
Monday October 25, 2021
12 pm – 1:30 pm Eastern Time Via Zoom
Please join us for a discussion about the latest developments at the EEOC’s guidance concerning EEO issues in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and current federal workforce vaccine mandates.
Confirmed Panelists:
- Sharon Rennert, Senior Attorney Advisor, ADA/GINA Division, Office of Legal Counsel, Equal Opportunity Commission, Washington, DC
- Moderator: Andrew J. Perlmutter, Attorney, Gilbert Employment Law, P.C., Washington, DC
The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating. Registration is Limited and will close when capacity is reached. Deadline for Registration is Monday, October 25, 2021 at 9 am ET. ADVANCE Zoom Registration is required for all participants. Open to ABA Members and the General Public.
REGISTER: Register on ZOOM in advance for this webinar:
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