June 25th Webinar: ACUS Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Federal Agencies
From the Administrative Conference of the United States:

The Administrative Conference of the United States is excited to partner with the Institute for Technology Law and Policy at Georgetown University Law Center to host a multi-part, virtual symposium on artificial intelligence in federal agencies.
The first session will take place on Thursday, June 25 from 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm ET. Hillary Brill, Director of the Institute for Technology Law and Policy, will moderate a panel discussion by several authors of a recent report to ACUS, Government by Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence in Federal Administrative Agencies.
Panelists are:
- David Freeman Engstrom, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, Stanford Law School
- Daniel E. Ho, William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
- Catherine M. Sharkey, Crystal Eastman Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
The panel will be taking place via Go To Webinar. The link will be sent out as soon as it is available.
Other panel discussions later this summer will explore:
- Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Law Doctrines: Challenges and Opportunities
- Artificial Intelligence “In the Trenches”: A View from Inside the Agencies
- Bias and Government Artificial Intelligence
Dates and details will be announced soon on our symposium webpage.
We hope you’ll be able to attend the symposium’s first session on Thursday, June 25. Please feel free to share this invitation with others who may be interested in attending.