Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

The Continuing Importance of State Banking Law

The Business History Review has a new article that should interest our readers. In Citibank, Credit Cards, and the Local Politics of National Consumer Finance, 1968-1991, Sean Vanatta (PhD candidate in history at Princeton) tells us the story of how Sioux Falls, South Dakota became a global financial center in 1981. Well, global financial center […]

Notice & Comment

More on Federal Coal Leasing

Late last week President Obama announced a three-year moratorium on new coal leases on federal land. The moratorium was effected by an order from the pen of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, and it has already come under attack by congressional Republicans (I know! I was shocked, too). Several days ago, I wrote some introductory comments […]

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Schwartz and Nelson on the SEC’s Regulation of Conflict Minerals

In Business Roundtable v. SEC, 647 F.3d 1144 (D.C. Cir. 2011), the D.C. Circuit held that the SEC must justify all its regulations promulgated under the National Securities Market Improvement Act through cost benefit analysis. Cost-benefit analysis makes sense for many SEC regulations because they focus on easily quantified matters. But they make less sense […]

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Legislating in the Shadows

Next week I’m taking my newest project—Legislating in the Shadows—on the road with a law faculty workshop at UNLV on Monday (1/25), and another law faculty workshop at the University of Utah on Wednesday (1/27).* Thanks in advance to the law faculties at UNLV and Utah for reading the early draft of the paper and […]

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FDA’s International Agreements: Typologies and Purposes

In my last post, I situated FDA’s international agreements in the literature on “global administrative law” and suggested that the field’s leaders take too narrow a view of what regulators do in the process of “making” global administrative law. Their regulatory mission is often much broader than the product or sector so-described. FDA’s international agreements […]

Notice & Comment

No Harm, No Foul in Texas v. United States

Is the Obama administration’s deferred action program for the parents of citizens and legal permanent residents (DAPA) a legislative rule? The Fifth Circuit says it probably is, the administration swears it isn’t. The fight matters because, if DAPA is a legislative rule, it should have gone through notice and comment. With its cert grant in […]

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On Federal Coal Leasing

Those of you who look for interesting news headlines buried in your Friday news feeds will have found quite an interesting little nugget on the front end of this MLK weekend. The Obama administration made good on a State of the Union hint and announced that it is initiating a moratorium on new coal leases […]

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CVTex: Call for the Views of Texas

Over the weekend I mused about how “the Court does not often ‘call for the views of Texas’ or ‘call for the views of California,’ even though those sophisticated litigants may also have something to say about a petition’s certworthiness.” Since then, a reader has helpfully pointed one fairly recent example of a CVTex: Rhine […]

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FOIA Is Broken: New Chaffetz House Oversight Committee Report

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is in the news this week, with a New York Times piece  that highlights Margaret Kwoka‘s terrific forthcoming Duke Law Journal article FOIA, Inc.— an article Ibriefly blogged  about last week. Now the  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by Representative  Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), released a staff report on its investigation […]

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What Does Google Maps Teach Us About Medical Privacy?

Medical privacy matters. But it’s not the only thing that matters, and people may not value it as much as they say they do. Here’s an analogy. If I asked you whether you think private companies should monitor your movements, you’d probably say no. You might even feel strongly about it, and understandably so. It’s […]

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Another Public Service Announcement

Dear 2Ls, A couple of months ago I wrote a letter explaining that “if you hope to clerk for a federal judge after graduation,” you should be prepared to apply no later than “after first semester grades are released and law review boards turn over.” True, not all clerkship slots will be filled over the […]