Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Yet Another Illegal ACA Tax Regulation

I have previously written about various IRS regulations that contradict the clear language of tax code Section 36B. I recently re-examined the regulations and was only mildly surprised to find another provision that plainly exceeds the IRS’s rulemaking powers. Here, the IRS has simply discarded the statute’s joint return requirement for a segment of taxpayers […]

Notice & Comment

AALS Journal of Legal Education Symposium on Legislation and Regulation in 1L Curriculum

Last week the Journal of Legal Education, which is the official legal pedagogy journal of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), published a terrific symposium issue on legislation and regulation in the first-year law school curriculum. It’s great to see the issue in print. You can access the full version for free here. The live symposium was […]

Notice & Comment

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Confessions (Pedagogy Edition)

I have a dark confession: I probably won’t teach exhaustion to my administrative law students. My syllabus covers ripeness/standing, the “final agency action” requirement, mootness, and, yes, exhaustion. But to my shame, I include this disclaimer: “May be cut if insufficient time.” Sure, I try to justify this decision to myself. I think: “Well, with […]

Notice & Comment

You want to know how bad Medicare is at paying for drugs?

Consider DuoNeb, which is used to treat chronic lung disease. The drug is nothing fancy: it’s just a combination of two cheap and widely available drugs—albuterol and ipratropium. You can pop DuoNeb in a nebulizer and administer both drugs at once. Or you can administer the two drugs separately. Apart from mild inconvenience, there’s no […]

Notice & Comment

Who Regulates the Robots?

In “Who Regulates the Robots?” I’ve written up Woody Hartzog’s article Unfair and Deceptive Robots over on JOTWELL: “When the law faces a new technology, a basic question is who governs it, with what regulatory mandates, and with what rules? Technological development disrupts regulatory schemes. Take, for example, the challenges the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) […]

Notice & Comment

Administrative Law from the Inside Out: A Conference on Themes in the Work of Jerry Mashaw, Oct. 2 & 3 at Yale Law School

Yale Law School Friday, Oct. 2, and Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015 Supported by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund All events are in YLS Room 129 unless otherwise noted. Panels open to the public. To attend lunch on Friday and/or Saturday of the conference, RSVP by Friday, September 24, to Friday 12:30-1:30 – Lunch (YLS […]

Notice & Comment

Disclosing the Tax Loopholes in the Iran Deal

This week, Congressman Paul Ryan sent a letter to President Obama expressing concern that the nuclear deal with Iran would include special tax breaks for that country. The letter asks for a commitment to not extend such tax breaks during the remainder of the President’s term. Generally, under Section 901 of the tax code, U.S. […]

Notice & Comment

An immediate appeal in House v. Burwell?

The Obama administration has filed a motion in House v. Burwell asking the district court for permission to take an immediate appeal of its decision allowing the case to proceed. Among other things, the administration argues that allowing the House to sue over an alleged violation of the Appropriations Clause is “a momentous step” that […]

Notice & Comment

Pushing back on exorbitant drug prices

The Center for American Progress has released a report that includes an arresting suggestion for controlling the prices of prescription drugs. Under the Bayh-Dole Act, in certain circumstances, the federal government may exercise its “march-in rights” to license patents that resulted from federally funded research but that are now owned by drug companies. These rights […]