Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

ABA Endorses S. 1173, the Independent Agency Regulatory Analysis Act, by Lynn White

The American Bar Association recently sent a letter to members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs endorsing S. 1173, the Independent Agency Regulatory Analysis Act of 2013 by Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio).  The bill would affirm the authority of the President to issue an executive order requiring independent regulatory agencies to […]

Notice & Comment

Department of Education Seeks to Clarify IDEA Regulations, by Shannon Allen

The Secretary of the Department of Education (“ED”) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (“NPRM”) proposing to amend regulations under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (“IDEA”).  The Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities program is governed by these regulations.  The ED seeks public comment to help clarify current […]

Notice & Comment

Meet Rob Quinan, Managing Attorney, Administrative Law Division, by Nina Hart

Meet Rob Quinan, Managing Attorney for the Administrative Law Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts.  Below, he discusses his diverse experiences with administration law and advice for attorneys interacting with or hoping to work for government agencies. 1. What led you to a career in law? I was a Government major […]

Notice & Comment

SBA Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to Bond Program, by Shannon Allen

The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) announces proposed rule changes to the Surety Bond Guarantee Program (“Bond Program”).  Under the Bond Program, the SBA “guarantees bid, payment and performance bonds” for small contractors who are unable to acquire surety bonds “through regular commercial channels.”  The SBA agrees to “assume a certain percentage of the Surety’s loss” […]

Notice & Comment

SEC Seeks Input on Proposed Delay of Plan to Prevent Rapid Market Changes, by Shannon Allen

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued a notice soliciting comments on a proposed Fourth Amendment to the Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility (“Plan”).  Specifically, the Plan is calculated to prevent the kind of “sudden price movements” in the market that occurred “on the afternoon of May 6, 2010.”  The Plan creates “market-wide limit […]

Notice & Comment

Meet Joe Whitley, 2013-2014 Section Chair, by Nina Hart

Meet Joe Whitley, the incoming Chair of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice.  Below, he shares his goals for the Section, insight into his experience with administrative law, and thoughts on challenges facing the legal profession. 1. Where do you work now and what led you to a career in law? I […]

Notice & Comment

Register Now for the 2013 Administrative Law Fall Conference, by Dominique Scalia

Registration is open for the 2013 Administrative Law Fall Conference. The Conference will be held November 7 and 8 at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. There will be CLE programming on such topics as Statutory Interpretation, Rulemaking 101, Developments in Administrative Law Technology, and Rulemaking in Comparative Perspective. Award and Scholarship recipients will also be […]

Notice & Comment

DoD Proposes Privacy Policy Changes, by Shannon Allen

Privacy of the individual is a “fundamental legal right” that must be defended.  The Department of Defense (“DoD”) seeks public comment on a proposed rule to update its privacy policy.  The purpose of the DoD’s proposed rule is to balance the DoD’s statutory obligation to “collect, use, maintain, or disseminate personally identifiable information . . […]

Notice & Comment

ITC Seeks Public Comment on Draft Digital Trade Questionnaire, by Shannon Allen

The International Trade Commission (“ITC”) seeks public comment on a draft digital trade questionnaire.  The ITC plans to submit a request for approval of the questionnaire to the Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”).  According to a 2013 ITC report, digital trade is “commerce in products and services delivered via the Internet.”  The Internet has […]

Notice & Comment

Meet Jamie Conrad, Immediate Past Chair of the Administrative Law Section, by Nina Hart

Meet Jamie Conrad, the outgoing Section Chair.  Below, Jamie discusses his amazing legal career, tenure as the Chair of the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, and offers advice for aspiring administrative lawyers. 1.  Where do you work now and what led you to a career in law? For the past six years, I’ve had […]

Notice & Comment

HUD Proposes Rule To Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, by Shannon Allen

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) and other interested parties acknowledge that the present practice of “affirmatively furthering fair housing,” conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) grantees, should be more effective.  Thus, HUD proposes a rule to supply program participants with more effective ways to affirmatively further the policies and intentions […]

Notice & Comment

Bartlett v. USDA: Futility, Legal Question and Equitable Estoppel Revisited, by Katherine Kennedy

The Eight Circuit recently upheld a district court decision dismissing a group of suit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not exhaust their administrative remedies. In a case before the Honorable Raymond Gruender, Bartlett v. U.S. Dept. of Agric., 716 F.3d 464 (8th Cir. 2013), thirty-eight individuals […]

Notice & Comment

Administrative Law Conference Scheduled for November, by Dominique Scalia

Save the date for this year’s Administrative Law Conference, November 7-8 at the Georgetown University Conference Center in Washington D.C. The conference will include CLE programs, Section events, and the honoring of award winners. Watch the Section website and this blog for more information on registration as it becomes available. This post was originally published […]