Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Regulatory Policy/Rulemaking: House Judiciary Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Administrative Procedure Act, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 28, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Commercial and Administrative Law held a hearing on “The APA at 65 – Is Reform Needed to Create Jobs, Promote Economic Growth and Reduce Costs?” Witnesses at the hearing included Susan Dudley, Research Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University, Jeffrey […]

Notice & Comment

Administrative Conference of the United States/Ethics: ACUS Committee to Consider Possible Government Contractor Ethics Recommendation, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 28, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) blog, Administrative Fix, posted that on March 16, from 9:00 to noon ET, the ACUS Committee on Administration and Management will “consider a draft recommendation concerning the ethics rules applicable to government contractors and their employees.” Additional information about the project is available on […]

Notice & Comment

Antitrust and Trade Regulation/International Law: Canadian Competition Bureau Announces Plans to Revamp Merger Guidelines, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 25, the Canadian Competition Bureau issued an announcement that it plans to “undertake moderate revisions to the Merger Enforcement Guidelines (MEGs).” The anouncement made clear that the Competition Bureau plans to address only “certain discrete areas where the MEGs do not fully reflect current Bureau practice and current economic and legal thinking.” Specific […]

Notice & Comment

Intellectual Property/International Law: Federal Court of Australia Rejects Movie Companies’ Infringement Claims Against Australian ISP, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 24, in Roadshow Films Pty Ltd. & Ors v. iiNet Ltd., No. NSD179/2010, [2011] FCAFC 23, the Federal Court of Australia Full Court dismissed an appeal by a bevy of international movie and entertainment companies against the decision of the primary judge that the Internet service provider iiNet Ltd had not infringed the […]

Notice & Comment

Banking and Financial Services/International Law/International Trade: Australia and New Zealand Sign Important Investment Protocol, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 16, the governments of Australia and New Zealand signed an Investment Protocol to the Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement. According to a new report by Kelly Buchanan of the Library of Congress, and as reflected in press releases by the Australian and New Zealand governments, the Protocol “increases the screening thresholds above which […]

Notice & Comment

Banking and Financial Services/International Law: New Developments on Iceland Icesave Deposits, by Jonathan Rusch

Over the last ten days, there have been two significant developments in Iceland with regard to Icesave deposits, the high-yield savings accounts offered by the online bank Icesave in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. On February 16, the Icelandic Parliament, the Althingi, passed a bill that — according to a report by Wendy Zeldin […]

Notice & Comment

Intellectual Property/International Law: Law Library of Congress Publishes Report on Māori Culture and Intellectual Property Law, by Jonathan Rusch

In December 2010, the Law Library of Congress published online a report by Kelly Buchanan, a Foreign Law Specialist with the Library of Congress, on Māori culture and intellectual property law. The report “discusses some of the issues and challenges in protecting cultural expressions and traditional knowledge in the law, and examines two examples of […]

Notice & Comment

Intellectual Property: White House Announces Strategy for American Innovation, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 4, the White House issued the “Strategy for American Innovation.” The Strategy, which updates the “Innovation Strategy” issued in 2009, includes a patent reform agenda that the White House declared “essential to reducing the enormous backlog of patent applications at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). By stalling the delivery of innovative […]

Notice & Comment

Antitrust and Trade Regulation/International Law: South African Competition Commission Announces “Fast-Track Settlement” Process for Construction Firms, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 1, the South African Competition Commission announced the establishment of a “fast-track settlement” process for construction firms “who have been party to collusive practices in bidding for projects in the public and private sectors.” The Commission has been conducting an investigation in the construction industry that “has uncovered widespread anticompetitive conduct through various […]

Notice & Comment

Criminal Process/Intellectual Property/International Law: Renault Files Criminal Complaint with French Prosecutors on Alleged Industrial Spying, by Jonathan Rusch

On January 13, according to a New York Times article, Renault filed a criminal compaint with the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Paris, alleging that a foreign company tried to obtain secrets relating to Renault’s electric-car program. Renault previously had suspended three of its executives, whom it suspected of seeking to pass on data […]

Notice & Comment

Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges: FINRA Proposes New Rule on Private Placements and Member Firm Participation, by Jonathan Rusch

On January 11, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requested comment on a proposal to amend FINRA Rule 5122. Rule 5122, according to the FINRA regulatory notice, “requires, subject to certain exemptions, disclosure in the offering document of the intended use of offering proceeds, expenses, and the amount of selling compensation to be paid to […]

Notice & Comment

Energy/Environment/Homeland Security/International Law: United Kingdom Energy Minister Announces Review of Offshore Drilling Policies, by Jonathan Rusch

On January 12, immediately after the January 11 issuance of the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Oil Drilling’s final report, United Kingdom Energy Minister Charles Hendry issued a statement that offered favorable comments on the report. The statement also announced that the United Kingdom Government intended to review the United […]

Notice & Comment

Energy/Environment/Homeland Security: Deepwater Horizon Commission Issues Report, by Jonathan Rusch

On January 11, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Sill and Offshore Drilling issued its final report to the President. The report reached seven principal conclsions: 1. “The explosive loss of the Macondo well could have been prevented.” 2. “The immediate causes of the Macondo well blowout can be traced to a […]

Notice & Comment

Banking and Financial Services/Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Issues Final Report, by Jonathan Rusch

On January 27, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) issued its final report on the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The FCIC, created in 2009 pursuant to the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, Public Law 111-21, reached six general conclusions in the majority report: (1) the crisis was avoidable; (2) “widespread failures in financial regulation and supervisionproved […]

Notice & Comment

Administrative Conference of the United States: Chairman Verkuil Announces ACUS Implementation of Google Apps for Government, by Jonathan Rusch

On February 16, on the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) blog, Chairman Paul Verkuil announced that ACUS had implemented Google Apps for Government. Chairman Verkuil stated that ACUS had “recently launched a collaborative workspace for Members and staff using Google Apps for Government to share documents, calendars and websites.” This post was originally […]