Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Notice & Comment

Adjudication: AP Reports Growing Number of Threats to Social Security Administration ALJs, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 14, the Associated Press reported that Social Security Administration (SSA) administrative law judges and staff “are facing a growing number of violent threats from claimants angry over being denied benefits or frustrated at lengthy delays in processing claims.” According to the article, SSA data show “[t]here were at least 80 threats to kill […]

Notice & Comment

Food and Drug: FDA Issues Proposed Rule on Graphic Health Warnings on Cigarette Packaging and Advertisements, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 12, in a widely reported action, the Food and Drug Administration published in the Federal Register a notice of a proposed rule that would amend FDA regulations “to add a new requirement for the display of health warnings on cigarette packages and in cigarette advertisements. The proposed rule would implement a provision of […]

Notice & Comment

International Trade: President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Export Enforcement Coordination Center, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 10, President Obama signed an Executive Order establishing within the Department of Homeland Security an interagency Federal Export Enforcement Coordination Center (Center). The Executive Order stated that the Center “shall coordinate on matters relating to export enforcement among” seven executive branch departments (i.e., the Departments of Commerce, Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, Justice, State,and […]

Notice & Comment

Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges/International Law: European Parliament Approves Hedge Funds Directive, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 11, the European Parliament, at a plenary session, announced that it had adopted a directive to impose European Union-wide rules on registration, reporting, and initial capital requirements on marketing of alternative investment funds such as hedge funds and private equity funds. The EP, which approved the directive by a vote of 513-92 with […]

Notice & Comment

Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges: SEC Proposes New Dodd-Frank Rules, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 3, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) unanimously approved two new proposed rules pursuant to provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank). One proposed rule, according to the SEC release, would “help prevent fraud, manipulation, and deception in connection with security-based swaps.” It would do so by ensuring […]

Notice & Comment

Intellectual Property/International Law: EU Competitiveness Council of Ministers to Revisit Improved EU Patent System, by Jonathan Rusch

On November 11, the European Union (EU) Competitiveness Council of Ministers will meet in extraordinary session in Brussels to revisit the issue of an improved EU patent system. Noting that “[o]btaining a patent in Europe currently costs ten times more than in the US,” the Council meeting notice indicated that the Council will be considering […]

Notice & Comment

Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges: CFTC Issues Proposed and Interim Final Rules for Dodd-Frank Implementation, by Jonathan Rusch

From October 14 through November 3, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) published in the Federal Register a series of nine sets of proposed rules and interim final rules to implement various provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank). The notices include an interim final rule for reporting pre-enactment swap […]

Notice & Comment

Banking and Financial Services/Criminal Process: FinCEN Issues Final Rule Transferring and Reorganizing Bank Secrecy Act Regs, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 26, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) published in the Federal Register its final notice transferring and reorganizing the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations in 31 C.F.R. to a new chapter. The notice explains that the BSA regulations in the new chapter “are generally reorganized by financial industry. Moving the BSA regulations to […]

Notice & Comment

Criminal Process: FinCEN Releases Identity Theft Study, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 18, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced the release of a new study analyzing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) citing identity theft. According to FnCen, the study “shows while suspected cases of identity theft are on the rise, vigilant financial institution employees are reportedly rejecting over half of fraudulent vehicle or student loans […]

Notice & Comment

Antitrust Law/International Law: U.K. Announces Merger of Competition Regulators, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 14, the United Kingdom Department for Business, Innovation and Skills announced proposals to strengthen competition regulation by merging the Competition Commission (CC) and the competition functions of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) to form a single competition and markets authority. The OFT, the presumptive survivor of the proposed merger, issued a supportive […]

Notice & Comment

Intellectual Property/International Law: Canadian Federal Court Declares “One-Click” Order Method Patentable, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 14, the Canadian Federal Court held, in, Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), No. T-1476-09, that Amazon’s “one-click” online ordering system was a “business method” that was patentable under section 2 of the Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-4. In doing so, the Federal Court overruled a decision by the Canadian Patents Commissioner. […]

Notice & Comment

Criminal Process: U.S. Parole Commission Issues Proposed Rule Relating to Crack and Powder Cocaine Offenses, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 8, the U.S. Parole Commission issued a proposed rule that would amend the Offense Behavior Severity Index in its paroling policy guidelines to equalize the ratings for crack cocaine and powder cocaine offenses. Comments may be submitted by the e-Rulemaking portal, or by mail or fax, but must be received by December […]

Notice & Comment

Administrative Law (General): Cardozo Law Festschrift for Paul Verkuil, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 18, Cardozo Law School in New York will conduct a day-long Festschrift for Paul Verkuil, who left the Cardozo faculty to serve as Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States. According to the Cardozo release, distinguished speakers will include Justice Stephen Breyer, Preeta Bansal of OMB, and 15 other distinguished legal […]

Notice & Comment

Securities, Commodities, and Exchanges: SEC Issues NPR on Asset-Backed Securities, by Jonathan Rusch

On October 4, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to require issuers of asset-backed securities (ABS), and credit rating agencies that rate ABS, to provide investors with new disclosures about representations, warranties, and enforcement mechanisms. As the SEC release about the proposed rulemaking states, section 943 of the Dodd-Frank […]

Notice & Comment

Antitrust and Trade Regulation/Environmental Law: FTC Proposes Revisions to “Green Guides,” by Jonathan Rusch

On October 6, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued proposed revisions to its so-called “Green Guides,” the guidance that it gives marketers to help them avoid making misleading environmental claims. The proposed changes, according to the FTC’s release, “include new guidance on marketers’ use of product certifications and seals of approval, ‘renewable energy’ claims, ‘renewable […]