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Results for: ninth circuit review-reviewed

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Fifth Circuit Review – Reviewed: Judge Smith Listens To Strict Scrutiny (UPDATED March 17, 2020)

UPDATE: My original post, which appears unchanged below, confidently declares that Judge Smith’s invocation of the slogan “stare decisis is for suckers” in his CFPB v. All Am. Check Cashing dissent shows that Judge Smith listens to Strict Scrutiny. Since then, I received this helpful note from Professor Jonathan H. Adler, explaining why he doubts […]

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Ninth Circuit Review—Reviewed: A “Hardening Look” Review for the IRS, by William Yeatman

Welcome back to Ninth Circuit Review-Reviewed, your monthly recap of administrative law before arguably “the second most important court in the land.” Let’s get straight to last month’s cases. Altera Part I: IRS Becoming Less Exceptional in Admin Law “IRS exceptionalism” continues its slow bleed. For reasons that escape me, the White House and federal […]

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D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: This Week’s *Other* Nondelegation Case

Justice Kavanaugh got folks chatting this week about nondelegation. In particular, although the Supreme Court denied rehearing in Gundy v. United States, Kavanaugh issued a short statement suggesting that he may be open to joining Justice Gorsuch’s effort to reinvigorate the nondelegation doctrine.* Given the holiday, however, you may have missed this week’s other nondelegation case. In Doe #1 v. Trump, the District of Oregon concluded that the “Presidential Proclamation […]

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D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Cheat Day

I’m traveling. So today will be a cheat day. As promised,* today I moderated a panel of circuit judges. It was interesting. I learned that (perhaps atypically for a D.C. Circuit judge) Judge Randolph isn’t a fan of Chevron; the D.C. Circuit applies Chevron deference to contracts while the Fifth Circuit does not; and the Ninth Circuit decides many more administrative law cases than any circuit. […]

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Fifth Circuit Review-Reviewed: Article III Cowboy Hat Tips and D.C. Circuit Exceptionalism

After a longer-than-I-would-have-liked break, I’m back with another installment of Fifth Circuit Review—Reviewed. This post will be longer than usual because so much has happened since my last update. I think I’ll start where Aaron Nielson’s most recent D.C. Circuit Review—Reviewed left off. Aaron discussed Judge Tatel’s opinion in Save Jobs USA v. DHS, No. 16-5287 (D.C. Cir. […]

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Ninth Circuit Review—Reviewed:  Panels Weaponize “Standards of Review” To Launch Preemptive Strikes against Chevron, by William Yeatman

Welcome back to Ninth Circuit Review-Reviewed, your monthly recap of administrative law before arguably “the second most important court in the land.” Let’s get straight to last month’s cases. Chevron Step Negative Infinity Most judicial opinions follow a template. They start with an introduction, then move on to a section that lays out the “standard […]

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Federal Circuit Review – Reviewed (At Sporadic Intervals): Second Edition, by Bill Burgess

The D.C. Circuit clearly has an outsized role in the development of administrative law.  But it’s hardly the only court of appeals deciding important administrative law cases.  Other people have posted to highlight the Fifth and Ninth Circuits’ contributions.  This post is to make three points about why the Federal Circuit may have the strongest […]

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Ninth Circuit Review—Reviewed: Split Panel Demonstrates Modern Perversion of Justice Stevens’s Chevron “Legacy,” by William Yeatman

Welcome back to Ninth Circuit Review-Reviewed, your monthly recap of administrative law before arguably “the second most important court in the land.” With the passing of Justice John Paul Stevens, RIP, I’ve read commentaries suggesting his Chevron deference “legacy” is at risk. In fact, these pundits are mistaken. While it’s true that Justice Stevens penned […]