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Notice & Comment

Save the Date for the 67th Plenary (ACUS Update)

The Administrative Conference of the United States will hold its 67th Annual Plenary Session on Friday, June 16th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Assembly will consider proposed recommendations on two subjects.  From the Federal Register notice:

Adjudication Materials on Agency Web sites. This proposed recommendation provides guidance regarding the online dissemination of administrative adjudication materials. It offers best practices and factors for agencies to consider as they seek to increase the accessibility of adjudication materials on their Web sites and maintain comprehensive, representative online collections of adjudication materials, consistent with the transparency objectives and privacy considerations of the Freedom of Information Act and other relevant laws and directives.

Negotiated Rulemaking. This proposed recommendation offers best practices to agencies for choosing the most appropriate of several methods—among them negotiated rulemaking—to engage the public in agency rulemakings. It also offers best practices to agencies that choose negotiated rulemaking on how to structure their processes to enhance the probability of success.

Materials for these projects, including the proposed recommendations and underlying research reports, are available on the Conference’s website.  If you would like to submit a comment or RSVP to attend the 67th Plenary Session in person, you can do so at the same link.  The meeting will also be webcast on the Administrative Conference’s livestream channel.  My previous coverage of these and other projects that were under committee consideration this spring is available here and here.

This post is part of the Administrative Conference Update series, which highlights new and continuing projects, upcoming committee meetings, proposed and recently adopted recommendations, and other news about the Administrative Conference of the United States. The series is further explained here, and all posts in the series can be found here.