“The Administration of Immigration Law” — A Call for Papers
One of the most active areas of regulation and reform, at the intersection of civil law, criminal law, and national security, is immigration. The administration of immigration law involves state and federal agencies in every major city in the country. A major priority of the Trump administration, the United States Department of Homeland Security and other agencies has been revising rules from everything related to employment law to administrative appeals processes. Furthermore, Congress has been quite involved with considering and reconsidering delegations of legislative authority and appropriate budget levels. And federal judges have raised questions about the efficacy of the administration of our immigration laws.
In short, immigration law writ large is an area ripe for further administrative law analysis, and to that end The C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University is issuing a call for papers on the subject of “The Administration of Immigration Law.”
Papers can focus on broad themes or on specific issues, including:
- Regulatory implementation of Title 8
- Federalism
- E-verify
- Technology and Immigration
- Survey of Trump administration actions
- Comparison of agency approaches
- Due process and immigration administration
- Jurisdiction and non-citizens
- Interlocutory appeal
- Management of ALJs
- Sanctuary cities and administrative law
- Appropriations and immigration law
- Congress’s statutory delegations of authority
- Immigration and the rulemaking process
- Citizenship and the census
- Cost-benefit analysis and immigration
- Criminal immigration law administration
- International administration and U.S. immigration
- Asylum rulemaking and administration
Authors will present preliminary draft papers at a “research roundtable” on June 4-5 at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School in Arlington, Virginia. Four months later, full drafts will be published online and discussed at a public policy conference on October 25, 2019 at the Scalia Law School.
Please send proposals to akloste@gmu.edu. Papers will be accepted on a rolling basis until April 1, 2019. The Gray Center offers a substantial honorarium for all accepted papers. Authors retain full rights over their work product; the Gray Center’s sole publication requirement is the release of the conference draft in the Center’s working paper series.