Upcoming Event on Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis (ACUS Update)
If you’re going to be in the DC area on September 29 and are interested in benefit-cost analysis, here’s the event for you! The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis (SBCA), and the GWU Regulatory Studies Center are co-sponsoring an afternoon of discussion on New Developments in Regulatory Benefit-Cost Analysis. ACUS explains that:
The event will feature expert panelists, including former OIRA Administrators from Republican and Democratic administrations, academics, and agency economists. Their remarks will focus on how to measure the impacts of both regulatory and deregulatory actions.
And here is the preliminary agenda from the SBCA:
- 1 pm: Introduction to regulatory analysis across administrations
- Susan Dudley (OIRA administrator 2007-2009, the George Washington University)
- Sally Katzen (OIRA administrator 1993-1998, NYU School of Law)
- 1:45 pm: Tools for evaluating regulatory and deregulatory impacts
- Jennifer Baxter, Industrial Economics
- Reeve Bull, Administrative Conference of the United States
- Cary Coglianese, University of Pennsylvania School of Law
- Michael Livermore, University of Virginia School of Law
- Lisa Robinson, Harvard University (Center for Risk Analysis and Center for Health Decision Science)
- Don Kenkel, Vice President, Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, moderator
- 3:30 pm: Break
- 3:45 pm: Experience using regulatory analysis to implement new directives
- Linda Abbott (USDA)
- Deborah Aiken (DOT)
- Amber Jessup (HHS)
- Al McGartland (EPA)
- Clark Nardinelli (FDA)
- Rose Odom (former DHS-USCG)
- Nan Shellabarger (FAA)
- Matt Wiener, Vice Chairman, Administrative Conference of the United States, moderator
- 5:30: Networking reception (Kelly Lounge)
It looks like a great line-up. If you’re interested in attending, RSVP on SBCA’s website. Space is limited, so sign up soon!
This post is part of the Administrative Conference Update series, which highlights new and continuing projects, upcoming committee meetings, proposed and recently adopted recommendations, and other news about the Administrative Conference of the United States. The series is further explained here, and all posts in the series can be found here.