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Compliance Gatekeepers

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What determines the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs, and who is accountable when they fail? Scholars and policymakers tend to answer these questions by focusing on internal compliance actors: directors, CEOs, general counsels, chief financial officers, and chief compliance officers. Yet in reality, all these corporate insiders rarely perform compliance tasks on their own. They […]

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Death, Bankruptcy, and the Public Hospital

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Even before the pandemic, the 90,000 local governments in the United States faced grim fiscal positions. During the pandemic, revenues cratered, costs increased, and many local governments teetered on the brink. Yet few of them considered filing for bankruptcy, though Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code is designed for local governments. The choice to eschew […]

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Specialist Directors

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What determines the effectiveness of corporate boards? Corporate legal scholars usually approach this question by focusing on directors’ incentives, such as counting how many directors are independent or whether the roles of the CEO and Chair are separated. Yet on the ground, the focus has been shifting to directors’ skill sets and experience. Investors, regulators, […]

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Incorporating Responsibility

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“Limited liability” is the rule that shareholders are not liable for the debts of the corporations they own. Critics of limited liability argue that it encourages corporations to ignore the harms they cause and cuts off recovery for deserving plaintiffs. Defenders of limited liability reply that it helps the economy by reassuring investors that they […]

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Public Space or Private Profit? ‘Streateries’ and the Need to Reclaim the Public Realm in the Post-Pandemic City

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The pandemic brought with it the entrenchment of a massively trans-formed cityscape. From car-free streets to widespread private dining in parking spots, what began as a series of temporary municipal authorizations have since transitioned into permanent programs. For some, these urban changes are unalloyed goods—who doesn’t want to drink al fresco at 3pm on a […]

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Credit Markets and the Visible Hand: The Discount Window and the Macroeconomy

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In times of crisis such as the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic central banks throughout the world engage in interventions with lasting effects on financial markets and the macroeconomy, for better and worse. The negative political consequences of these interventions—fears of politicizing central banking and inflationary concerns about dramatic interventions among them—can dampen […]

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The Nondelegation Doctrine and the Structure of the Executive

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In a series of recent opinions, the Supreme Court has threatened to transform the nondelegation doctrine into a device for imposing sweeping limits on congressional authority to empower the regulatory state. But, as a matter of history and logic, the nondelegation doctrine has a quite different purpose. This Article argues that the nondelegation doctrine plays […]

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The Financial Inclusion Trilemma

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The challenge of financial inclusion is among the most intractable policy problems in banking. Despite living in the world’s wealthiest economy, many Americans are shut out of the financial system. Five percent of American households lack a bank account, and an additional thirteen percent rely on expensive and sometimes predatory fringe financial services, such as check cashers […]

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Grid Reliability in the Electric Era

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The United States has delegated the responsibility of keeping the lights on to a self-regulatory organization called the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). Although NERC is a crucial example of industry-led governance—and regulates in an area that is central to our economy and basic human survival—this unusual institution has received scant attention from policymakers and scholars. Such attention […]

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Discretionary Investing by ‘Passive’ S&P 500 Funds

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So-called passive index funds—investment funds that are designed to track a pre-specified underlying index—have become a dominant force in the investing landscape, collectively controlling over $12 trillion in assets. It is widely assumed that these funds are obligated to follow their underlying index, and that fund managers cannot, or do not, select portfolios that deviate […]

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Contractual Landmines

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Conventional wisdom is that the standardized boilerplate terms used in large commercial markets survive unchanged because they are an optimal solution to the contracting problems facing parties in these markets. As Smith and Warner explained, “harmful heuristics, like harmful mutations, will die out.” But an examination of a sample of current sovereign bond contracts reveals […]

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Consumer Protection for Online Markets and Large Digital Platforms

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This Article is part of a special issue comprised of a series of Articles prepared by a collection of economists and policy experts in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union who have studied––and are committed to the improvement of––competition in digital markets. For other Articles in this issue, please click here.

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More Competitive Search Through Regulation

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This Article is part of a special issue comprised of a series of Articles prepared by a collection of economists and policy experts in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union who have studied––and are committed to the improvement of––competition in digital markets. For other Articles in this issue, please click here.