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Results for: phh

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D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: Five Years After the Death of the Clerkship Plan

If you peruse the D.C. Circuit’s webpage often — and, really, who doesn’t? 😉 — you’ve no doubt noticed an announcement that hasn’t changed for a long time: This may confuse you. First, why is dated “2014-15”? And second, why is an announcement about clerkship hiring of all things given arguably the most prominent placement […]

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At the CFPB, Cordray Creates One Last Cloud of Controversy

History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. And so the circumstances of Richard Cordray’s departure from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau seem fitting. Nearly six years ago, Cordray arrived at the CFPB as one of purported “recess” appointments that President Obama ventured despite the fact that the Senate was not actually in recess, a maneuver that […]

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D.C. Circuit’s Double-Header on Article II

This week the D.C. Circuit sitting en banc heard arguments in its blockbuster (by Washington standards) double-header featuring the appointments and removal implications of Article II. In a nutshell, the cases address whether Article II’s transparency and accountability requirements mean (i) a single head of an executive branch agency must be removable at will (PHH […]

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Is Barney Frank Right about the President’s Power to Remove the CFPB Director?, by Aditya Bamzai & John F. Duffy

As one part of a statute officially entitled the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,” Congress in 2009 established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as “an Executive agency” headed by a Director removable from office by the President “for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.” Rumor now has it that […]