Notice & Comment

Results for: phh

Notice & Comment

Why the CFPB Director Shouldn’t Be Going Anywhere, by Brianne Gorod

There’s been a lot of talk in Washington lately about the people President-elect Trump has chosen to fill various executive branch positions, but there’s one position we shouldn’t be hearing talk about him filling: Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). When Congress created the CFPB, it deliberately chose to insulate the CFPB Director […]

Notice & Comment

D.C. Circuit Review – Reviewed: “The Most Important Separation-of-Powers Case in a Generation”

There are no D.C. Circuit opinions this week, but even so, we live in interesting times — especially in the world of administrative law. Right now, President-elect Trump is putting together his slate of cabinet nominees, Congress is paying close attention to the Congressional Review Act, and Chief Judge Garland is preparing to return to […]

Notice & Comment

The Call of the Siren and Federal Agency Independence: Independence from Whom?, by Anna Williams Shavers

When an independent agency is created, from whom does it gain independence – the President, Congress, or the people? Maybe the better question is whether it is really independent at all. One thing in particular that caught my eye is Peter Conti-Brown’s focus in Part III on the independence of the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) […]