Notice & Comment

CFP: Chapman Law Review’s Constraining the Executive Branch Symposium

Here’s the call for papers:

The Chapman Law Review is pleased to invite article submissions on the theme: “Constraining the Executive Branch.”

Publications will appear in a symposium edition, and authors will receive an honorarium.

The executive branch is often criticized for overreaching its powers. Legal issues arise regarding constraining such powers through legislation and litigation. There are various tools Congress, the states, and private parties can use to constrain the Executive Branch, each varying in its level of effectiveness and appropriateness.

Article submissions can cover topics about legislative means of restraint, including (but not limited to):

  • The Appropriation Process,
  • Confirmation Hold-Ups,
  • Veto Overrides (e.g., Wars Powers Act 1973; Taft Hartley Act 1947; Securities Act Reform 1995),
  • Oversight (i.e., hearings; subpoenas; special investigative committees),
  • Impeachment (hearings or proceedings),
  • Censure (hearings or proceedings).

Submissions can also cover means of constraining the Executive through litigation, including (but not limited to):

  • Private Parties with Standing to Challenge Presidential Actions,
  • Legislators’ Suits (including special standing requirements and political question issues).

Further, submissions are also welcome that argue that the Executive does not need to be constrained, or that evaluate what should and should not be restrained (e.g., when the Executive does not enforce laws, or defers enforcement to the states).

Chapman Law Review has dedicated our written symposium issue to these timely questions. We are open to submissions with other perspectives as well, related to this general topic. The Chapman Law Review would be honored to publish your work.

Submission Information:

We are looking for papers at a minimum of 20 pages (with a suggested length of 25 pages). If you would like to apply to participate in the Symposium, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words by May 15, 2017, to Taylor Kendzierski. The deadline for the completed paper will be on August 25th, 2017. The Chapman Law Review will be offering an honorarium to authors who choose to write for the 2017 journal.

Although there is not a live symposium attached to this themed Issue, papers can resemble what one might submit for a symposium, and the Issue will be identified as a themed issue so that you may also designate it as such, if you would like. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Chapman Law Review in approximately March 2018.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your submission. If you have questions, please contact Taylor Kendzierski, Senior Articles Editor, at

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